Connect Wallet

Setting the MetaMask on the Kiwi Browser

We are providing a guide to play Aavegotchi on mobile

  1. Download the Kiwi Browser from the Play Store and open it after it finishes installing MetaMask Extension

Importing the MetaMask wallet

6. Import your MetaMask wallet via the passphrase, then enter a password so you can always access it from this device

Polygon Network

Renting a gotchi

8. To start in the Aavegotchi it is necessary to rent a gotchi from our whitelist, enter this address in the Kiwi browser: and connect your MetaMask wallet, to do this click on the “Connect” button and then select the first frame named as “Browser Wallet”.

9. After clicking the button to connect to the wallet, you will need to open the MetaMask extension in the browser to authorize the connection, click on the three dots and scroll down to the last option to open the MetaMask wallet, then click Next and then you’ll be able to Connect.

10. To filter the available gotchis in our whitelist, filter by the number 269, leave the percentage field zeroed and mark all the coins by clicking on them leaving them unlit and then click on the Filter button, then select the desired gotchi and click on Borrow for Free.

11. You will need authorization in the MetaMask extension,click again on the three dots on the browser and access your wallet to confirm.

12. This process can take some time as the transaction hash is pending approval, but once all transactions are confirmed the gotchi will appear in your gotchi list.

Playing Aavegotchi

13. To be able to play Aavegotchi now that you have a gotchi enter this address in the Kiwi browser: and connect your MetaMask wallet,to do that click on the “Connect Wallet” button and then select the first frame named as “Browser Wallet”.

14. After connecting to the MetaMask wallet, to be able to play you may see a message saying that Aavegotchi is not available for mobile, in this case, enable the “desktop mode” box in the browser.

15. Select the gotchi and click Click to enter, you will need to sign to authorize the MetaMask wallet.

16. The goal of the game is to collect as many Alchemics as you can, currently there is a limit in the bag of up to 250 max, but it is possible to deposit coming close to a portal and click on [E] then click on the “Withdraw Now” button, this action it will also be necessary to sign to the MetaMask wallet.

17. Note that after withdrawing, the bag will be emptied so that you can collect more alchemics, the Gotchi's Pocket bag will show the amount that the scholar can withdraw already discounting the guild and aavegotchi percentages, to withdraw these tokens to your wallet click on the “Claim” button.

18. This action will also require confirmation from the MetaMask wallet, after the transaction is confirmed, note that the tokens within the game will already be zeroed.

Last updated